Page 3 - External Jan 2017
P. 3

FORe WORD  CEO’s Great Focus on Succession
           Planning & Career Development at K&A

           Perfectly equipped with a solid strategy and a
           great passion for what we do, we drove things
           forward at K&A. We redefined our vision to the
           future and realized the need to implement certain
           changes that will allow us to achieve this vision
           of being the partner of choice for our clients.
           In order to achieve that, a new Transformation
           Program called K&A One was launched in 2015
           to turn K&A into one seamless, well positioned
           company in an increasingly competitive market.
           This has been a comprehensive and extensive
           initiative that will benefit our local clients with an
           immediate access to globally integrated design
           teams, standardized project delivery with tailored
           and responsive service to further enhance K&A’s
           offerings and service.
           K&A One Transformation Program is already
           providing measurable satisfaction internally.
           Today, our employees benefit from improved
           career growth. The new operating model
           and organization structure have been clearly
           defined, bringing people closer and, at the
           same time, defining roles and responsibilities.
           The new job descriptions with clearly stated
           roles, responsibilities, competencies and
           accountabilities, will not only drive employees to
           focus on performance but will also enable us to
           target our star performers at an earlier stage in
           their career.
           Most importantly, throughout the Transformation
           Program, we ensured to safeguard the unique
           K&A culture and spirit created by our founders,
           all while fostering a culture based on improved
           learning, capability building and knowledge

           Najib Khatib, PhD

           Chief Executive Officer
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