Page 31 - #IK&AJ18I2
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ECONOMIC I Effective Catalyst for Accelerating Growth
Development Framework A nearby wastewater treatment
The development framework plant will be used to reduce
for TSEZ will seek to create additional treatment costs
an attractive and efficient and minimize duplication of
environment for Foreign Direct infrastructure. Rain water
Investment (FDI), with user- collection will be recycled to
friendly facilities and services for support efficient water use.
potential tenants.
Supporting Economic Growth
Sustainable Eco Approach In addition to the revitalization of
K&A is proposing sustainable the Port, TSEZ will play a major
design features throughout role in generating economic
the Master Plan, including activity, promoting the export
renewable energy production and of goods and services, creating
investment in recycling and other new employment opportunities
energy-efficient technologies. and boosting the local economy
The integration of sustainable with workforce training and
features will not only benefit skilled labor. The implementation
the environmental performance of Phase 1, which encompasses
of TSEZ but will also contribute around a third of the project, will
to long-term operational cost start in 2019.
reductions. A waste management
plan will be established within
the zone using recyclable wastes
from tenants.