Page 28 - Inside K&A - March 2019
P. 28

A HOLISTIC                          PROTECTING WATER                   ENHANCING LANDSCAPES
                                                                                 - Planting of native trees to
                                              - Treating water for irrigation
          DESIGN                              - Using and maintaining surface     restore biodiversity, greening
                                                and subsurface water sources
                                                                                  landscapes inside the Wadi,
                                                                                  in partnership with desert
          APPROACH                            - Restoring water quality           environment experts from
                                                                                  the Center for Middle Eastern
                                                through natural processes
                                                and oxygenation                   Plants/ Royal Botanic Garden
                                              - Creating continuous water         Edinburgh (RBGE)
                                                channel inside the Wadi          - Creating lakes
           PRESERVING ECOSYSTEMS                                                 - Building islands inside the
           - Proposing planted islands to                                         Wadi for both recreational
                                                                                  and ecological purposes
             attract species                  GROWING HAIL’S                     - Designing the Wadi to
           - Turning existing wetlands        BIODIVERSITY AND                    become pedestrian friendly
             into conservation and                                               - Enhancing the Wadi’s edge
             protected areas                  PROMOTING ECOTOURISM
           - Turning the area into an         - Proposing activities that        - Upgrading existing parks
             Important Bird and                 are in line with international    along the Wadi
             Biodiversity Area                  and local sustainable and
           - Controlling the invasive reeds     environmental standards such
           - Reducing littering                 as eco-lodges, sustainable
                                                zoo and ecological parks
                                              - Proposing soft activities
            INSTALLING GREEN                    such as camping and picnic
                                                areas with low environmental
            INFRASTRUCTURE                      impacts
            IN SURROUNDING                    - Offering sustainable land
            COMMUNITIES                         uses that promote ecology
            - Reallocation of existing utility   and the restoration of
             networks outside the Wadi          biodiversity such as seed
            - Enhancing roads’ resiliency       banks, agricultural education
             in situations of flooding and      centres, research centers
            - Hydrological solutions that
             are receptive and responsive
             to the Wadi’s existing form


                                       COMMUNITY                            PROTECTED
                                       CENTERS                              AGRICULTURAL

                                                      RECREATIONAL                                 RESEARCH &
                                                      PARKS                                        EDUCATIONAL
                                        SPORT                                 PALM                 CENTER
                                        AREAS                                 GROVE

                                                ZONE - A - URBAN AREA                   ZONE - B - AGRICULTURAL
                                                                                        AND SEMI-URBAN AREA
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