Page 33 - Inside K&A - March 2019
P. 33
Bank that is seeing K&A develop measures Salang-Pass Existing Tunnel and
to upgrade the road, as well as the ageing Road Conditions
Salang Tunnel, bridges and snow sheds.
The Salang Pass is today operating over-
“This is a deeply challenging project capacity, having suffered from very
because of its scale, remoteness and the minimal maintenance across its service
extremely harsh environment. The Salang life. Compounding the issue is truck
Pass is a vital artery for Afghanistan, so overloading and excessive snow-chain
whatever measures we take must be use, which has led to
designed to cause minimal disruption, numerous potholes. "THE SALANG PASS IS
while improving its safety and integrity. The snow sheds, A VITAL ARTERY FOR
Wherever possible, we are using advanced which are designed AFGHANISTAN, SO
surveying techniques which will provide to provide protection WHATEVER MEASURES
the most comprehensive understanding from avalanches, have WE TAKE MUST BE
of the Salang Pass that has ever been also been weakened by DESIGNED TO CAUSE
delivered, enabling us to pinpoint areas long-term exposure to MINIMAL DISRUPTION,
in need of critical attention and plan for freezing temperatures. WHILE IMPROVING ITS
the long-term robustness of the route.” Inside the Salang Tunnel SAFETY AND INTEGRITY."
said Geotechnical & Heavy Civil Director, there is insufficient Khaldoun Nasreddine,
Khaldoun Nasreddine.
ventilation and lighting, Geotechnical & Heavy Civil Director
More than 100 specialists are involved in while water from
this project, undertaking a multitude of melting snow and a
tasks on the Salang Pass. mountain-top lake seeps through holes
in the ceilings and walls. During visual
Among their activities, they are inspections, the ability to temporarily
inspecting and assessing the tunnel close the tunnel and roads was severely
lining, drainage, ventilation, lighting and limited due to high traffic volumes and
electrical systems, safety conditions and lack of alternative routes. In addition, the
integrity of all structures.
inspection teams were subjected to health
hazards such as a lack of oxygen and
freezing temperatures. à