Page 3 - Inside K&A - March 2019
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With 2019 now well underway, my The determination of our 5,500+
K&A colleagues and I look forward to talented people to deliver outstanding
working ever-more closely with our quality and value was recognized last
clients and partners as we seek to build year with a number of high profi le
on the strong momentum of last year. industry awards, which you can
For K&A, 2018 saw encouraging read more about here in our latest
progress towards our vision of newsletter. But as satisfying as it is to
being “the partner of choice for be given praise, our minds are now
our industry”, thanks to continued fi rmly set on delivering our current
investment in our people, capabilities, projects with the same degree of
systems and technologies. This is tenacity and technical expertise.
enabling us to meet the changing In many cases, this also provides us
needs of clients as they respond to with an opportunity to help clients
new demands, opportunities build their own knowledge and
and trends. capabilities, enabling their long-term
An example of this is the emergence progress, job creation and economic
of diff erent project delivery methods, sustainability. For example, part of our
such as early contractor involvement work to establish and run the Project
and Design & Build, with increasing Management Offi ce on behalf of Saudi
numbers of clients looking to embrace Arabia’s Ministry of Finance includes
new risk reward profi les. We have delivering training and development
therefore taken important steps to which will drive up standards of project
ensure we are equipped with the management across the Kingdom.
knowledge – technically, commercially This is set to have a major impact,
and culturally – to help clients address which will be a further catalyst in
this market shift, and we have moved support of Vision 2030.
our capabilities upstream to become
our capabilities upstream to become Our aim, always, is to keep improving.
involved as an advisor in early project
involved as an advisor in early project For this reason, 2019 will see us push
development. This means leveraging
development. This means leveraging even harder to be at the forefront of
our engineering expertise with
our engineering expertise with innovation and digital technologies
fi nancial modelling to help clients
fi nancial modelling to help clients which can help us bring synergies,
ensure their projects are bankable
ensure their projects are bankable effi ciency and productivity gains, as
and attractive to investors, while
and attractive to investors, while well as new business line off erings.
participating actively in PPP projects
participating actively in PPP projects Of course, a commitment to
from the supply side.
from the supply side. technological innovation is nothing
In addition to expanding our services,
In addition to expanding our services, new to K&A. Our long history in
we have also seen encouraging
we have also seen encouraging Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
geographic growth beyond our core
geographic growth beyond our core is testament to that, and it seems
Gulf markets. In the Middle East, we
Gulf markets. In the Middle East, we remarkable to me that we recently
have been expanding into geographies celebrated our 30 year as a GIS ave been expanding into geographies th
such as Iraq, while in Sub-Saharan
such as Iraq, while in Sub-Saharan specialist, as discussed in these pages.
Africa we have won projects in Gabon,
Africa we have won projects in Gabon, You will also fi nd many more stories
Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Nigeria
Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Nigeria which cast light on our staggering
and Ethiopia, and we continue to
and Ethiopia, and we continue to diversity of projects as we strive to
explore opportunities in additional
explore opportunities in additional make a positive contribution to the
geographies such as Mozambique,
geographies such as Mozambique, communities in which we work.
Guinea, Cameroon and others.
Guinea, Cameroon and others. Thank you for reading our latest
Simultaneously we are expanding east
Simultaneously we are expanding east newsletter, and please don’t hesitate
and have won projects in India and
and have won projects in India and to get in touch if you’re interested in
Malaysia, with more ongoing eff orts
Malaysia, with more ongoing eff orts learning more on a particular topic.
that are likely to yield positive results
that are likely to yield positive results Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity
in the CIS countries, where we are
in the CIS countries, where we are to wish you the very best for a happy,
already working, and additional Far
already working, and additional Far healthy and prosperous year ahead.
East countries such as Indonesia
East countries such as Indonesia
and Singapore.
and Singapore. Najib Khatib, Ph.D.
Chairman & CEO