Page 18 - Inside K&A - March 2019
P. 18



            MIDDLE EAST

            Helena De Flaviis, Khatib & Alami's (K&A) senior director for corporate development, gives her thoughts
            on how the procurement, delivery and funding of public infrastructure is evolving in the region.

            The Middle East is a region       the ongoing Five Year Plan       For some, the level of uptake is
            which dreams big and acts         in Oman, and Abu Dhabi           not fast enough, yet for others
            big. It is a region with an       Vision 2030), as well as         the progress is commensurate
            insatiable appetite to break      supporting the private sector.   with the development cycle of
            ground on projects that           Yet, as countries develop        these countries. We are already
            stretch the imagination or        multiple sectors within their    seeing new PPP frameworks
            challenge the norm. Just think    economies, they throw            emerge in the Arab world, with
            of the Kingdom Tower in the       open opportunities for           Saudi Arabia publishing a draft
            Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a        alternative procurement and      Private Sector Participation
            mile-high super-tall skyscraper   funding models.                  law to boost private sector
            set to be the tallest building in   Public-Private Partnerships    participation beyond utilities,
            the world, or the GCC Railway,    (PPPs) are never far from        and Oman announcing work
            a gigantic pan-Arab railway       people’s minds in this           on its own PPP law. While the
            network connecting the Gulf       regard. They have been in        likes of Kuwait, Dubai and Abu
            states. The Middle East is        existence in the UK since        Dhabi have established PPP
            home to all of these and much     the inception of the Private     laws in place.
            more.                             Finance Initiative (PFI) in the   The region’s PPP projects
            As countries continue to          early 1990s. Yet what of the     are typically seen in large
            diversify their economies away    Middle East currently? As of     infrastructure projects or in
            from a dependency on oil, the     August 2018, the Middle East     the power and water sectors,
            construction industry has been    Economic Digest (MEED)           where private developers have
            integral in making flesh many     noted that there were about      been attracted by the assured
            of the ideals and outcomes        $224bn-worth of PPPs             revenues of government
            expressed in strategic            planned or under way in the      electricity and water offtake
            government initiatives (such      Middle East and North Africa     guarantees, coupled with
            as Vision 2030 in Saudi Arabia,   (MENA) region.                   governments as the main
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