Page 34 - Inside K&A - March 2019
P. 34
Commitment to
Improving Tunnel and
Road Infrastructure To overcome the difficult
conditions, K&A made
- Securing the structural use of mobile mechanical
integrity of the Salang
Tunnel platforms and ground-
- Upgrading 15 existing penetrating survey
bridges and 21 existing techniques to enable
snow sheds their assessments.
- Enhancing the road Other activities included
structure and surface sampling within the tunnel
- Installing communication and material sampling
systems and traffic in the snow sheds to
counting systems
- Replacing/rehabilitating the evaluate the concrete
existing tunnel lining structures. Based on these
findings, K&A is carrying
out the design of the
rehabilitation works of
Mitigating the Impact of existing structures and
Natural Hazards the tunnel, and the design
- Minimizing water leakage of new structures and
and assessing the link road upgrades, which
between the small lake are earmarked to be
above the tunnel and water completed by July 2019.
leakage within the tunnel
- Developing a drainage The Salang Pass is
system and adopting among many projects
an innovative pavement K&A has undertaken to
heating system in the mitigate national hazards
tunnel, including an ranging from sand dunes
antifreeze pavement assessments, landslide
- Extending existing snow mitigation, cavity and
sheds and creating new sinkhole treatments to
structures to reduce the soil and water pollution,
vulnerability to avalanches flood prevention, seismic
- Providing safety systems, hazard assessments and
including fire protection more. This latest project
and video surveillance conveys our persistence
and dedication in
managing complex
Upgrading MEP solutions while operating
Components under challenging site
- Improving air quality inside conditions.
the tunnel with a proper
ventilation system
- Supplying lighting, power
generators, electricity
supply and distribution,
including emergency